Tuesday, September 18, 2012

As Familiar As Pecan Pie

If you have been reading this blog, you know the statistics of high crime in Louisiana and specifically the Baton Rouge area. Even if you're new here, there's plenty of evidence of our drastically-high crime rate on the local news every single day. Perhaps you even know someone - a friend or family member, a co-worker, or someone in your neighborhood that has become the victim of a home invasion or violent crime.

Local authorities are attempting to tackle the high crime problem by creating pro-active groups like BRAVE, but what can a concerned citizen do to keep their own personal property and loved ones safe?

One of the most effective ways to ensure the safety of you and yours is to have a fully-monitored alarm system installed.  We discussed the importance of this step for anyone concerned about home security in our last blog post, "Who's In Your Fridge When You Aren't Home?"  Now we'd like to tell you a little about us and our services and how we can help you protect yourself from the growing threat of crime throughout our city.

Owned and operated by local residents with a stake in our community's safety, we have been serving the Greater Baton Rouge area and beyond since 1978. We take great pride in our history, and the fact that we continue to offer protection and security to thousands of satisfied customers.

We offer a full-range of security system services, including installation and monitoring, as well as products for homes and businesses.  Our experienced, competent, and friendly team of security experts will tailor a protection plan customized specifically to your needs.

Our state-of-the-art monitoring facility is U.L. Listed and Approved and the largest in Baton Rouge.  This U.L. Central Station provides services not available at other monitoring stations, such as video and GPS monitoring.  Up and running, and ready to serve you 365 days a year/24 hours a day, our Central Station didn’t miss a beat during Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav, or Issac!

Alarm Center is fully licensed and insured, and with over 10,000 systems installed, we know how to protect your family and possessions.  We're so confident we can meet all of your security needs, all of our systems are guaranteed or your money back.  We're so confident, we're offering to get you installed, configured, up and running for $0 down (on approved credit)! With no up-front costs and the possibility of an up to 20% discount off your homeowner's insurance premium, depending on your insurance carrier, why not call Alarm Center today?

[Call Alarm Center Security today for a FREE quote on a security system for your home or business - 1-800-97-ALARM - or visit our website to see if you qualify for a $0 down installation - alarm.net]